Dr. Scott Yamaoka
Dr. Scott Yamaoka
Dr. Scott Yamaoka has been practicing Periodontics in Vancouver for the past 18 years. He received his Doctorate in Dental Surgery degree from McGill University in 1991. Upon completion of a hospital residency at the University of Colorado Heath Science Center-Denver he completed his specialty residency in Periodontology and Masters of Science degree at the University of Texas Heath Science Center- San Antonio; a world leader in regenerative bone therapy and dental implant research. Dr. Yamaoka is a Diplomat of the American Board of Periodontology, a Fellow of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons-Canada and an examiner for the Royal College of Dental Surgeon for the past ten years. He has served as President of The British Columbia Society of Periodontists, and The British Columbia Society of Dental Specialists.
To Visit Dr. Scott B. Yamaoka’s website Click here

Quick Facts
- His hobbies include downhill skiing, fly-fishing and competing in triathlons
- He has been married for over 18 years to Elsa and has three terrific children: Anna, Zachary and Misa